Tummy Tuck Cost in Atlanta

Tummy tuck, clinically called abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic surgery procedure designed to produce a flatter, firmer tummy and enhance the contours. The procedure typically involves removal of excess skin and fat from the tummy area, and in some cases, may also include tightening of underlying abdominal muscles.

The procedure should be performed by an experienced and qualified plastic surgeon who will discuss various types of tummy tuck techniques with the patient, and help them make the right choices. Dr. Wright Jones is a leading plastic surgeon receiving patients from Atlanta, Buckhead, Stockbridge, Marietta GA, and surrounding communities for tummy tuck.

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Types of Tummy Tuck Surgery

Traditional Tummy Tuck

This is the most commonly performed tummy tuck plastic surgery procedure. It involves a major incision from hip to hip, along with small incisions around the navel. The procedure is aimed at addressing the entire abdominal area, including repositioning of the belly button. Results with traditional tummy tuck are substantive and natural looking.

Partial Tummy Tuck

Partial of mini tummy tuck procedure involves just one small incision. Less conspicuous changes are made to the lower abdominal area for patients who only need subtle improvements or a maintenance procedure. As an experienced cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Jones provides this procedure to patients in Atlanta, Buckhead, Stockbridge, Marietta GA, and nearby areas.

Endoscopic Tummy Tuck

This technique involves the surgical insertion of a tiny camera attached to an endoscope, which allows the surgeon to view the underlying muscular structure of the abdomen on a monitor. This enables more precise and targeted surgery in a less invasive manner with substantial results.

Extended Tummy Tuck

In this procedure, the surgeon will reduce excess fat and skin from the abdominal area as well as focus on the reduction of love handles or flanks on either side of the waist. This techniques enables the treatment of a larger area as compared to a traditional abdominoplasty.

Circumferential Tummy Tuck

This technique may be recommended for patients who have excessive loose skin following a massive weight loss. Therefore, fat removal is not much of a concern in this procedure, and the primary goal is to improve body contours through surgical removal of excess skin.

More About Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)


The cost of a tummy tuck surgery can vary widely  depending on the location of the practice, the fee charged by the surgeon, the choice of technique, and several other factors. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, patients should choose the right surgeon for their needs, which should be a priority over the costs.


The patient will usually required 10 to 14 days before they can return to their normal routine or go back to work. Vigorous exercises and heavy lifting should be avoided for at least four weeks. A compression garment may have to be worn for several weeks to support healing.

About Dr. Jones


Results with tummy tuck will be fully established over several months, and can last for many years. The condition is that the patient should maintain a balanced diet and active lifestyle to prolong the results.

See all plastic surgery procedures that Cosmetic Surgeon Dr. Wright Jones performs of the face, nose, body, and breast in and around Atlanta, Buckhead, Stockbridge, Marietta, GA and surrounding areas.

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