Liposuction Surgery Overview

Liposuction is one of the popular cosmetic surgery procedures that may be performed as an individual surgery or in conjunction with other procedures. Wright Jones Plastic Surgery is a premier practice for liposuction and other surgical and non-surgical procedures. The practice is led by experienced and dedicated plastic surgeon, Dr. Wright Jones. Dr. Jones provides state of the art surgeries to patients in Atlanta, Buckhead, Stockbridge, Marietta, GA, and other areas.

What is Liposuction Surgery?

Liposculture or liposuction is a procedure performed by a cosmetic surgeon with an aim to reduce excess fat tissue from specific fat pockets in the body. The procedure is designed to enhance body contours with fat reduction in a targeted manner. Innovations in liposuction have made the procedure more conservative, safer, and more effective over the years.

One of the popular liposuction techniques today is tumescent liposuction, which enables the surgeon to perform the cosmetic surgery with only local anesthesia. In some cases, laser treatment may also be used with traditional liposuction surgery to achieve more comprehensive outcomes in a less invasive manner.

Who is a Suitable Candidate?

Dr. Jones is an experienced plastic surgeon receiving patients from Atlanta, Buckhead, Stockbridge, Marietta, GA, and surrounding communities for liposuction. During the initial consultation, Dr. Jones will assess various aspects to determine whether the patient is a fit candidate for liposuction.

The procedure is ideally suited for patients who are bothered by the presence of excess fat deposits in some areas of the body that do not respond to exercise or diet. The patient should have moderate and stable body weight. Unwanted fat pockets may occur in hips, thighs, abdominal area, knees, calves, arms, neck or chin, which can be reduced with liposuction.

Surgical Procedure

The cosmetic surgeon will place an incision in a discreet location in the affected area at the start of the procedure. The surgeon will inject a local anesthetic prior to the incision. The anesthetic solution will be combined with a sterile saline solution along with adrenaline to ensure patient comfort and minimize the risk of bleeding. A slim cannula will be used to dislodge targeted fat cells, and the loosened fat will be suctioned out with a syringe that is attached at the other end of the cannula.

In some cases, laser or ultrasound therapy may also be used along with surgery to effective liquefy the unwanted fat tissue before the fat is suctioned. The duration of liposuction surgery will depend on the extent of fat to be removed and the number of areas involved. Sometimes the surgeon may combine liposuction with breast reduction, tummy tuck, or mommy makeover procedure to achieve more effective results.

Recovery Process

Patients are likely to experience mild pain or discomfort during the first three to five days after liposuction procedure. Most patients can resume their normal activity or return to work within a week. The lifting of heavy weights and vigorous exercises must be avoided for about four to six weeks. Full results of liposuction may take several months to appear as the swelling subsides gradually.

See all plastic surgery procedures that Cosmetic Surgeon Dr. Wright Jones performs of the facenosebody, and breast in and around Atlanta and Buckhead.

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