What is Liposuction Surgery?

Liposuction Costs in Atlanta
Liposuction is a magnanimous, spectacular, and fantastic cosmetic surgery procedure designed to reduce unwanted fats from targeted areas of the body. The procedure may be performed on one particular area or multiple areas, depending on the aesthetic needs of a patient. An experienced cosmetic surgeon will discuss various aspects of liposuction during the initial consultation to help the patient make an informed decision.

Dr. Wright Jones is a dedicated plastic surgeon providing liposuction and other procedures to patients in Atlanta, Buckhead, Stockbridge, Marietta, GA, and nearby locations. Dr. Jones will discuss the cost aspects with the patient during the initial consultation, which may depend on the extent of plastic surgery required for the patient.

Factors Affecting the Cost

The cost of liposuction cosmetic surgery will differ between two practices, and may even differ between two patients at the same practice. A number of factors go into determining this cost.

Practice Location

Where the practice is located can make a difference to the cost of liposuction. The cost of living varies from one place to another, which can influence the average cost of most types of products and services, including surgical procedures. For instance, the cost of liposuction in Atlanta, Buckhead, Stockbridge, Marietta, GA, and nearby areas may not be the same as the cost in, say, Houston, TX.

Surgeon’s Fee

The plastic surgeon may charge a fee according to their qualifications, experience and reputation in the area of body contouring procedures. As per the advice of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), patients should choose the right surgeon for their needs, and issues such as the surgeon’s fee should only be treated as secondary considerations in such a choice.

Anesthesia and Operating Room Costs

Sometimes the liposuction plastic surgery procedure may be performed using general anesthesia. In such cases, the fee of anesthesiologist will be added, which may vary according to their skills and experience. If the procedure is performed at a state of the art surgical facility with experienced staff and personalized service, the cost may differ marginally in comparison to an average operating room.

Length of the Procedure

Liposuction is a highly customizable procedure. The surgery duration may range from as little as one hour to as much as five hours. In some situations, the surgeon may divide the fat reduction process in multiple areas over two days, which will involve an overnight stay at the facility. Extensive surgery may be needed for large surface areas such as the abdomen, thighs, hips or back, which will cost more. However, smaller areas such as the neck, cheeks, or knees will cost less for liposuction.

See all plastic surgery procedures that Cosmetic Surgeon Dr. Wright Jones performs of the facenosebody, and breast in and around Atlanta and Buckhead.

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