Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery

Brazilian butt lift cosmetic surgery procedure has caught up in popularity in recent years in the United States. The procedure is performed by a plastic surgeon with an aim to aesthetically enhance the size and shape of buttocks. Many women are keen to achieve a more youthful and attractive buttock contour, which is made possible with this innovative surgery.

Brazilian butt lift plastic surgery not only helps achieve a more well-defined contour in the buttock area, it also increases the size, provides a lift, and improves the proportion of buttocks. The patient can expect to have tighter and firmer buttocks when this surgery is performed by an experienced cosmetic surgeon. Dr. Wright Jones provides this procedure to his patients in Atlanta, Buckhead, Stockbridge, Marietta, GA, and other areas.

Who is a Suitable Candidate?

Brazilian butt lift cosmetic surgery may involve a transfer of fat from other parts of the body where it is possible to spare extra fat. In such cases, the candidate should have excess fat pockets available to do the fat transfer. As far as possible, the candidate should not be over-weight or have a fluctuating body weight.

The quality of skin in the buttock area should have a fair amount of elasticity in order to achieve the best outcomes. As an experienced plastic surgeon, Dr. Wright Jones will assess various factors carefully before recommending this procedure to his patients in Atlanta, Buckhead, Stockbridge, Marietta, GA, and nearby locations.


Brazilian butt plastic surgery procedure is usually performed as an outpatient surgery. The procedure may be completed in two to three hours, depending on whether it involves fat transfer or other complexities. Some of the important stages in this procedure include the following:


The cosmetic surgeon will make a tiny incision in the pre-determined discreet location through which the tumescent fluid will be injected into the deeper layers of the skin. The fluid includes local anesthetic and adrenaline, and numbs the affected area and prevents excessive bleeding. The excess fat from the area will be suctioned using a cannula and suction pump.

Fat Transfer

The excess collected through the tumescent liposucture technique is processed with antibiotics to make it completely sterile. This fat is placed in syringes that are connected to a cannula to inject the fat directly into the deeper layers of the buttocks and the buttock muscle.

Pre-op Preparation

The patient should clarify any doubts or queries during the initial consultation process. When the surgeon clearly understands the patient’s aesthetic aspirations and personal needs, they will be in a better position to make an appropriate treatment plan. The surgeon may also show butt lift before and after photos to ensure that the patient forms realistic expectations.

Certain medications or herbal supplements that the patient may be taking will have to be adjusted in consultation with the physician. If the patient is smoker, it will be imperative to quit smoking several weeks before the procedure.

Recovery Period

The patient may expect to return back to their regular routine or workplace within a week to 10 days. However, aggressive activities should be avoided for at least a month.

See all plastic surgery procedures that Cosmetic Surgeon Dr. Wright Jones performs of the facenosebody, and breast in and around Atlanta and Buckhead.

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